
Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得

Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得,總而言之,它的評價很高

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Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您


Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Key Features

博客來網路書局>博客來書店1.List of Key Terms at the End of Each Chapter: Key terms will help students learn important vocabulary and reinforce chapter concepts.

博客來網路書店2.Level: Managerial Economics, 12th edition assumes no previous training in microeconomics and only basic algebra and graph-reading skills. It is appropriate for a wide-range of schools and courses. For those instructors who wish to teach in a more mathematically rigorous manner, calculus is included in many of the chapter appendixes.

博客來3.Dual Sets of End-of-Chapter Questions: To promote the development of analytical and critical thinking skills, two different problem sets are provided.

4.Technical Problems help students build and reinforce a particular skill. These problems provide a step-by-step guide for students to follow in developing the analytical skills set forth in each chapter.

5.Answers to Technical Problems are provided at the end of the book. As in previous editions, these answers are fully worked out so that the students can see how to calculate the answers.

6.Applied Problems serve to build both critical thinking and business decision-making skills by applying the principles covered in the chapter to real-life dilemmas taken from BusinessWeek, The Economist, Forbes, and other business news publications

Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2016/02/03
  • 語言:英文

Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得 評比 博客來網路書局

Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得

Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得推薦,Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得討論Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得比較評比,Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得開箱文,Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得部落客
Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得
那裡買,Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得價格,Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得特賣會,Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得評比,Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得部落客 推薦


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Managerial Economics- Foundations of Business Analysis and strategy(12版)心得


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